Könyv: Solutions - Haladó - 5. egység – 5A – 1. rész
Itt találja a Solutions Advanced tankönyv 5. rész - 5A - 1. részében található szókincset, például "ultimátum", "lázadás", "atrocitás" stb.
a serious disagreement or argument, often involving opposing interests or ideas
![konfliktus, eltérés](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
konfliktus, eltérés
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a country that aids another country, particularly if a war breaks out
![szövetséges, partner](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
szövetséges, partner
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a conflict where one side uses unconventional tactics to fight a stronger, more traditional military force
![aszimmetrikus háború, aszimmetrikus konfliktus](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
aszimmetrikus háború, aszimmetrikus konfliktus
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relating to a person who is not a member of the military or police force and does not hold an official position in the government
![polgári, civil](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
polgári, civil
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an alliance between two or more countries or between political parties when forming a government or during elections
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a small, illegitimate military group characterized by fast-moving actions, utilizing violence, terrorism, traps, and hit-and-run tactics against official military and police forces
![gerilla erők, katonai csoport](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
gerilla erők, katonai csoport
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the act of invading or entering a territory, country, or region by force or without permission, often with the intent to control or dominate the area and its inhabitants
![invázió, betörés](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
invázió, betörés
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a person's profession or job, typically the means by which they earn a living
![foglalkozás, szakma](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
foglalkozás, szakma
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the state of being protected or having protection against any types of danger
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units within legitimate armed forces, comprising elite soldiers specially trained to undertake challenging missions and combat adversaries such as guerrilla forces and terrorists
![Különleges erők, Elit egységek](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
Különleges erők, Elit egységek
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person who uses violence or threats to achieve political or ideological goals by targeting innocent people or civilians
![terrorizmus, terrorista](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
terrorizmus, terrorista
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the process during which someone learns the skills needed in order to do a particular job
![képzés, oktatás](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
képzés, oktatás
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a military facility where troops are stationed for training or operational purposes
![katonai tábor, katonai bázis](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
katonai tábor, katonai bázis
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groups of soldiers organized for military operations, often used to refer collectively to military personnel or forces in a particular area or situation
![csapatok, erők](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
csapatok, erők
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to convey a speech, idea, etc. to an audience in a clear and effective manner
![megtartani, előadni](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
megtartani, előadni
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to deliver a speech or presentation that publicly expresses one's ideas, plans, etc.
![bemutatni, előadni](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
bemutatni, előadni
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to have a person, letter, or package physically delivered from one location to another, specifically by mail
![elküldeni, küldeni](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
elküldeni, küldeni
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to intentionally pay no or little attention to someone or something
![figyelmen kívül hagyni, elhanyagolni](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
figyelmen kívül hagyni, elhanyagolni
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a final and serious demand made by one person to another, which includes consequences if the demand is not met
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used when naming, or giving description or information about people, things, or situations
![lenni, kerülni](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
lenni, kerülni
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to become the most successful, the luckiest, or the best in a game, race, fight, etc.
![nyerni, győzni](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
nyerni, győzni
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the process of promoting to a new position or gaining political power
![hatalomra jutás, hatalomra emelkedés](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
hatalomra jutás, hatalomra emelkedés
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to lose a position of power, authority, or influence, often as a result of a negative event or circumstance
![leesni, csökkenni](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/hu.png)
leesni, csökkenni
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