
Sách Solutions - Cao cấp - Bài 5 - 5A - Phần 1

Tại đây bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng Unit 5 - 5A - Part 1 trong giáo trình Solutions Advanced, chẳng hạn như "tối hậu thư", "nổi loạn", "tàn bạo", v.v.


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Solutions - Advanced

a state of armed fighting between two or more groups, nations, or states

chiến tranh

chiến tranh

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a serious disagreement or argument, often involving opposing interests or ideas

mâu thuẫn, xung đột

mâu thuẫn, xung đột

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[Danh từ]

a country that aids another country, particularly if a war breaks out

đồng minh, đối tác

đồng minh, đối tác

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asymmetric warfare

a conflict where one side uses unconventional tactics to fight a stronger, more traditional military force

chiến tranh phi đối xứng, xung đột phi đối xứng

chiến tranh phi đối xứng, xung đột phi đối xứng

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an extremely brutal act, especially in war

tội ác, hành động tàn bạo

tội ác, hành động tàn bạo

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[Danh từ]

a line that separates two countries, provinces, or states from each other

biên giới, ranh giới

biên giới, ranh giới

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relating to a person who is not a member of the military or police force and does not hold an official position in the government

dân sự, không quân

dân sự, không quân

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[Tính từ]

the group of politicians in control of a country or state

chính phủ, quản lý

chính phủ, quản lý

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an alliance between two or more countries or between political parties when forming a government or during elections

đồng minh

đồng minh

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[Danh từ]
guerrilla force

a small, illegitimate military group characterized by fast-moving actions, utilizing violence, terrorism, traps, and hit-and-run tactics against official military and police forces

lực lượng du kích, đội du kích

lực lượng du kích, đội du kích

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[Danh từ]

a rebellion or armed uprising against established authority

nổi dậy, khởi nghĩa

nổi dậy, khởi nghĩa

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[Danh từ]

the act of invading or entering a territory, country, or region by force or without permission, often with the intent to control or dominate the area and its inhabitants

cuộc xâm lược, xung đột

cuộc xâm lược, xung đột

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a person who leads or commands others

lãnh đạo, người lãnh đạo

lãnh đạo, người lãnh đạo

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a person's profession or job, typically the means by which they earn a living

nghề nghiệp, công việc

nghề nghiệp, công việc

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the state of being protected or having protection against any types of danger

an ninh

an ninh

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Special Forces

units within legitimate armed forces, comprising elite soldiers specially trained to undertake challenging missions and combat adversaries such as guerrilla forces and terrorists

Lực lượng đặc biệt, Đơn vị tinh nhuệ

Lực lượng đặc biệt, Đơn vị tinh nhuệ

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[Danh từ]

person who uses violence or threats to achieve political or ideological goals by targeting innocent people or civilians

kẻ khủng bố, khủng bố

kẻ khủng bố, khủng bố

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[Danh từ]

the process during which someone learns the skills needed in order to do a particular job

đào tạo, huấn luyện

đào tạo, huấn luyện

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[Danh từ]

a military facility where troops are stationed for training or operational purposes

trại quân sự, căn cứ quân sự

trại quân sự, căn cứ quân sự

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[Danh từ]

groups of soldiers organized for military operations, often used to refer collectively to military personnel or forces in a particular area or situation

lực lượng, quân đội

lực lượng, quân đội

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[Danh từ]
to deliver

to convey a speech, idea, etc. to an audience in a clear and effective manner

phát biểu, trình bày

phát biểu, trình bày

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[Động từ]
to give

to guess how long something will last

ước lượng, đánh giá

ước lượng, đánh giá

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to issue

to release an official document such as a statement, warrant, etc.

phát hành, công bố

phát hành, công bố

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to present

to deliver a speech or presentation that publicly expresses one's ideas, plans, etc.

trình bày, xuất trình

trình bày, xuất trình

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to send

to have a person, letter, or package physically delivered from one location to another, specifically by mail

gửi, chuyển

gửi, chuyển

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to receive

to be given something or to accept something that is sent

nhận, tiếp nhận

nhận, tiếp nhận

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to comply

to act in accordance with rules, regulations, or requests

tuân thủ, chấp hành

tuân thủ, chấp hành

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to ignore

to intentionally pay no or little attention to someone or something

bỏ qua, phớt lờ

bỏ qua, phớt lờ

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to withdraw

to remove something from a specific location or situation

rút lui, gỡ bỏ

rút lui, gỡ bỏ

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[Động từ]

a final and serious demand made by one person to another, which includes consequences if the demand is not met

tối hậu thư

tối hậu thư

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[Danh từ]
to be

used when naming, or giving description or information about people, things, or situations

là, có

là, có

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[Động từ]
to fight

to take part in a violent physical action against someone

đánh nhau, chiến đấu

đánh nhau, chiến đấu

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to win

to become the most successful, the luckiest, or the best in a game, race, fight, etc.

chiến thắng, thắng

chiến thắng, thắng

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to lose

to not win in a race, fight, game, etc.



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to declare

to officially tell people something

tuyên bố, công bố

tuyên bố, công bố

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to go

to travel or move from one location to another

đi, di chuyển

đi, di chuyển

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rise to power

the process of promoting to a new position or gaining political power

tăng cường quyền lực, nâng cao quyền lực

tăng cường quyền lực, nâng cao quyền lực

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[Danh từ]
to assume

to take or begin to have power or responsibility

đảm nhận, tiếp nhận

đảm nhận, tiếp nhận

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to seize

to suddenly and forcibly take hold of something

nắm bắt, tịch thu

nắm bắt, tịch thu

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to take

to capture a place and obtain control over it

chiếm, cướp

chiếm, cướp

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to fall

to lose a position of power, authority, or influence, often as a result of a negative event or circumstance

rơi, giảm sút

rơi, giảm sút

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to give up

to stop trying when faced with failures or difficulties

đầu hàng, bỏ cuộc

đầu hàng, bỏ cuộc

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