a short statement or phrase that encapsulates a general truth, principle, or rule of behavior, often offering guidance or wisdom

maxima, alapelv

a piece of fabric used to wrap a deceased person's body for burial or cremation

koporsólepel , temetési lepel

a task, duty, or responsibility that someone is required to fulfill, often implying a burden or difficulty associated with it

teher, felelősség

a representative or characteristic sample that is examined or analyzed to gain insights or understanding of a particular group or category

mintadarab, példa

a privilege, advantage, or benefit that is obtained or enjoyed as a result of one's position, status, or relationship

előny, juttatás

the act of surrounding the enemy, a town, etc. and cutting off their supplies so that they would surrender


a musical composition that is written for one or more solo instruments and accompanied by an orchestra with three movements

koncert, zenei kompozíció

a small remaining amount or part of a thing after it has been taken, used, etc.

maradvány, maradék

an official responsible for maintaining law and order in a specific district or community

rendőr, konstábl

an individual who criticizes and attacks beliefs, ideas, customs, etc. that are generally cherished or accepted

ikonoklaszta, hagyományellenes

a small opening that allows air, water, or other substances to flow into or out of a confined space or container

beömlés, nyílás

a dishonest individual who behaves outside of societal norms or laws, often engaging in deceitful or unlawful activities

csaló, gazember