to bring forth something, often from the realm of imagination, as if by enchantment

召唤, 想起

to create a plan, document, or written agreement, often in a formal or official context

起草, 拟定

to actively gather and engage individuals by generating interest or excitement through promotion or persuasion

热炒, 激发

to form a group, typically to confront, hurt, or oppose a particular individual or group

联合起来对付, 聚集起来对抗

to form a line or queue, often with a specific order, while waiting for something

排队, 形成队列

to hastily create a meal, typically using whatever ingredients are available

迅速准备餐食, 利用现有材料做饭

to bring forth a memory or image, causing one to remember or think about something

唤起, 召唤

to invent typically false or exaggerated information in order to create a false idea about someone or something

捏造, 伪造