Phrasal Verbs 'Down' & 'Away' Használatával - Költözés, távozás vagy menekülés (el)
to leave somewhere having a certain impression or feeling
eljönni valamilyen érzéssel, elmenni valamilyen érzéssel
to forcefully remove someone or something from a particular place or activity
eltávolítani valahonnan, elrángatni valahonnan
to cause someone or something to leave or go away, often by force or persuasion
elűz, eltávolít
to escape punishment for one's wrong actions
megúszni, büntetlenül megúszni
to escape from or suddenly leave a specific place, situation, or person, often in a hurried manner
megfutamodik, elmenekül
to ask or cause someone to leave a place or situation, usually as a punishment or because of unwanted behavior
elküldeni, kitiltani
to avoid someone or something that might have a negative impact on one
távol maradni, kerülni
to leave a place quietly, typically to avoid being noticed
eltűnik, csendesen távozik