ACT Angol és Világtudás - Ideiglenes és relatív szerepek
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót, amelyek az ideiglenes és relatív szerepekhez kapcsolódnak, mint például a „fogoly”, „respondent”, „expat” stb., amelyek segítenek elérni az ACT-t.
someone who happens to be walking past a particular person, place, or event

járókelő, járó személy

a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part in it

szemtanú, néző

a person of the same age, social status, or capability as another specified individual

társ, korosztálybeli

someone who works for a skilled person for a specific period of time to learn their skills, usually earning a low income

tanonc, gyakornok

the number of people who use a particular form of public transportation over a given period

utasforgalom, utasok száma

a person who resides in a shared living space, such as a household, institution, or facility

lakó, bérlő

a person who acts on behalf of a group of people, especially in a legislative or official role

képviselő, tisztviselő

a person or thing that is responsible for the care, safety, and maintenance of someone or something

őr, védő

someone or something that gives money, clothes, etc. to a charity for free

adományozó, jótékonysági adományozó

an elite student with the highest grade throughout school that gets chosen to give a speech at their graduation ceremony

ballagó szónok, legjobb tanuló

a person who manages and oversees the property, finances, or affairs of another person or organization

kezelő, igazgató

a person who resides outside their native country, often for work or personal reasons

expat, kivándorolt

someone who looks after a child or an old, sick, or disabled person at home

gondozó, ápoló