ACT Engels en Wereldkennis - Tijdelijke en relatieve rollen
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met tijdelijke en relatieve rollen, zoals "inmate", "respondent", "expat", enz., die u zullen helpen uw ACT's te beheersen.
someone who happens to be walking past a particular person, place, or event
passant, voorbijganger
a person who is on foot and not in or on a vehicle
voetganger, wandelaar
a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part in it
toeschouwer, getuige
a person of the same age, social status, or capability as another specified individual
even oude, peer
a person who watches sport competitions closely
toeschouwer, supporter
a person who regularly travels to city for work
forensen, pendelaar
a person who is not a member of a particular group, society, etc.
buitenstaander, outsider
a person or animal with which one travels or spends a lot of time
gezellin, maat
someone who formally applies for something, particularly a job
aanvrager, kandidaat
a person who answers or reacts
respondent, antwoordgever
someone who receives something or to whom something is awarded
ontvanger, recipient
a person who receives money or benefits
begunstigde, ontvanger
someone who works for a skilled person for a specific period of time to learn their skills, usually earning a low income
leerling, stagiair
the number of people who use a particular form of public transportation over a given period
passagiersaantal, reizigersaantal
a person who resides in a shared living space, such as a household, institution, or facility
bewoner, huurder
a reliable and experienced person who helps those with less experience
mentor, begeleider
someone who rejects conventional behavior or allegiance
renegaat, opstandeling
a person who acts on behalf of a group of people, especially in a legislative or official role
vertegenwoordiger, afgevaardigde
a person or thing that is responsible for the care, safety, and maintenance of someone or something
bewaker, beschermheer
someone or something that gives money, clothes, etc. to a charity for free
donateur, gever
someone who has recently gotten married
pasgetrouwden, jonge echtgenoten
an elite student with the highest grade throughout school that gets chosen to give a speech at their graduation ceremony
cum laude afstudeerder, hoogste cijferstudent
a person who manages and oversees the property, finances, or affairs of another person or organization
beheerder, steward
a person who resides outside their native country, often for work or personal reasons
expat, expatriate
a former member of the armed forces who has fought in a war
veteran, oud-strijder
someone who looks after a child or an old, sick, or disabled person at home
verzorger, mantelzorg
a person who is registered or signed up for a course, program, or institution
ingeschreven, deelnemer