ACT İngilizce ve Dünya Bilgisi - Geçici ve Göreli Roller
Burada, ACT'lerinizde başarılı olmanıza yardımcı olacak "mahkum", "davalı", "gurbetçi" vb. gibi geçici ve göreceli rollerle ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
someone who happens to be walking past a particular person, place, or event
geçici, yayalar
a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part in it
seyirci, tanık
a person of the same age, social status, or capability as another specified individual
yaşıt, akran
a person who regularly travels to city for work
banliyödeki evi ile şehirdeki işyeri arasında her gün gidip gelen kimse
a person who is not a member of a particular group, society, etc.
yabancı, herhangi bir gruba/kuruluşa/yere ait olmayan kimse
a person or animal with which one travels or spends a lot of time
someone who works for a skilled person for a specific period of time to learn their skills, usually earning a low income
the number of people who use a particular form of public transportation over a given period
yolcu sayısı, seyahat etti
a person who resides in a shared living space, such as a household, institution, or facility
sakin, kiracı
a reliable and experienced person who helps those with less experience
a person who acts on behalf of a group of people, especially in a legislative or official role
temsilci, vekiller
a person or thing that is responsible for the care, safety, and maintenance of someone or something
koruyucu, muhafız
someone or something that gives money, clothes, etc. to a charity for free
bağışta bulunan kimse
an elite student with the highest grade throughout school that gets chosen to give a speech at their graduation ceremony
mezuniyet töreni konuşmacısı, veda konuşması yapan
a person who manages and oversees the property, finances, or affairs of another person or organization
idareci, mülk yöneticisi
a person who resides outside their native country, often for work or personal reasons
göçmen, yabancı çalışanın
a former member of the armed forces who has fought in a war
emekli asker, savaşta bulunmuş asker
someone who looks after a child or an old, sick, or disabled person at home
hasta bakıcı
a person who is registered or signed up for a course, program, or institution
kayitlı, öğrenci