Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman - Kurangnya pemahaman
Jelajahi idiom bahasa Inggris tentang kurangnya pemahaman dengan contoh seperti "clear as mud" dan "make head or tail of".
Kartu flash
to carefully consider the facts of a situation in order to understand something, make a decision, or solve a problem
menggunakan kecerdasan seseorang
in a very nervous or frustrating state of mind in face of a problem or situation one knows very little or nothing about
tidak memiliki keterampilan, atau pengetahuan yang diperlukan
said when one does not have a definite answer to a particular question, similar to the questioner
Saya sama bodohnya dengan Anda
to fail to understand or interpret or understand something correctly
mendapatkan ujung tongkat yang salah
to have no information regarding a particular subject
sama sekali tidak menyadari sesuatu
used when one is incapable of understanding or remembering a particular thing
meskipun semua upaya telah dilakukan
someone or something one knows very little or nothing about
orang atau benda misterius
used to describe something that is complicated due to not being clearly described or shown
sangat tidak jelas
to be incapable of understanding even the simplest concepts
tidak mampu membedakan dua hal
the limits of human knowledge or understanding, representing areas that remain unknown or unexplored
perbatasan terakhir
to fully understand something difficult, complicated, or strange
memahami sesuatu yang sulit