
دانش و درک - عدم درک

اصطلاحات انگلیسی در رابطه با عدم درک را با مثال هایی مانند "clear as mud" و "make head or tail of" کاوش کنید.







شروع یادگیری
English idioms related to Knowledge & Understanding
to use one's head

to carefully consider the facts of a situation in order to understand something, make a decision, or solve a problem

عقل خود را به کار انداختن

عقل خود را به کار انداختن

out of one's depth

in a very nervous or frustrating state of mind in face of a problem or situation one knows very little or nothing about

از توان فرد خارج

از توان فرد خارج

your guess is as good as mine

said when one does not have a definite answer to a particular question, similar to the questioner

منم مثل تو بی‌خبرم

منم مثل تو بی‌خبرم

to get the wrong end of the stick

to fail to understand or interpret or understand something correctly

اشتباه برداشت کردن

اشتباه برداشت کردن

to not know beans about sth

to have no information regarding a particular subject

هیچ اطلاعی نداشتن

هیچ اطلاعی نداشتن

for the life of sb

used when one is incapable of understanding or remembering a particular thing

هر قدر تلاش میکنم...

هر قدر تلاش میکنم...

closed book

someone or something one knows very little or nothing about

کتاب سربسته (استعاری)

کتاب سربسته (استعاری)

(as) clear as mud

used to describe something that is complicated due to not being clearly described or shown



not know one's ass from one's elbow

to be incapable of understanding even the simplest concepts

هر را از بر تشخیص ندادن

هر را از بر تشخیص ندادن

final frontier

the limits of human knowledge or understanding, representing areas that remain unknown or unexplored

مرز نهایی

مرز نهایی

Google Translate
in a fog

confused and unable to think clearly



to wrap one's head around sth

to fully understand something difficult, complicated, or strange

از چیزی سخت و پیچیده سر در آوردن

از چیزی سخت و پیچیده سر در آوردن

to make head or tail (out) of sb/sth

to make an attempt to understand someone or something that is puzzling

از سر و ته چیزی سر در آوردن

از سر و ته چیزی سر در آوردن

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