Penampilan - Kata-kata yang Berhubungan dengan Rambut
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris yang berhubungan dengan rambut seperti "curl", "split end", dan "hairline".
Kartu flash
a day on which one feels unattractive, particularly due to one's hair not looking as well as it should
a hair on the head that its tip has been divided into two parts because it is dry or in a poor condition

ujung bercabang, ujung rambut kering

a piece of hair that grows in a different direction from the rest and sticks out on the head

rambut yang melawan arus, serpihan rambut

the messy or tousled appearance of a person's hair after they have just woken up from sleep or after spending time in bed

rambut berantakan, rambut kusut

hair that is thin, soft, and short on someone's face or body

rambut halus, bulu halus

a line on the head that is made when the hair is combed into two separate sections

pemisahan, garis

to divide someone's hair in two parts with a comb creating a line on the scalp

memisahkan, membagi

(of a man's hair) to cease to grow and become bald from the front hairline

mundur, menyusut

a long thin line or mark on something that has a different color from the background

garis, pita

the edge of the forehead where the hair begins to grow

garis rambut, garis tumbuhnya rambut

a rope-like piece of hair formed by twisting or braiding hair, known to be worn by Rastafarians

dreadlock, pilin

a medical condition characterized by hair loss or baldness, which can occur on the scalp or other parts of the body


a bunch of threads, hair, etc. that are growing together, joined at the base

ikat, bunch

a lock of hair that grows or hangs over the forehead, typically longer than the rest of the hair

rambut di dahi, kuncir

all the hair on a person's scalp, which can vary in thickness, length, color, and texture