Pendapat dan Argumen - Perspektif dan Pola Pikir
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris yang berkaitan dengan perspektif dan pola pikir seperti "remark", "maverick", dan "prejudice".
Kartu flash
to be capable of making one's own decisions without being influenced by others
an opinion that is profoundly against the official principles of a particular religion


unwilling to behave differently or change one’s opinions or attitude, especially in an unreasonable way

kaku, tangguh

the opinions, activities, or methods that are considered normal because they are accepted by a majority of people

arus utama, mainstream

an individual who thinks and behaves differently and independently

maverick, penyimpang

(of a person or ideology) not extreme or radical and considered reasonable by a majority of people

moderat, seimbang

a person who is showing or having opinions or beliefs that are considered reasonable, especially about politics

moderat, perempuan moderat

talking a lot and expressing one's opinions forcefully, especially in a rude and offensive way

banyak omong, sombong

not expressing one's definite opinion or intention clearly, especially in an argument

tidak pasti, tidak jelas

used to refer to a state where a group of individuals share the same agreement or opinion
your feelings or thoughts about a particular subject, rather than a fact

pendapat, pandangan

having strong opinions and not willing to change them

berpendirian kuat, keras kepala

persisting to do things the way one sees fit and unwilling to change one's opinion, no matter how irrational it might seem

keras kepala, ngotot

the fact of unreasonably refusing to change one's mind about something

kepala batu, kekerasan hati

an unreasonable opinion or judgment based on dislike felt for a person, group, etc., particularly because of their race, sex, etc.

prasangka, stigma

holding opinions or judgments influenced by personal bias rather than objective reasoning

prabudi, terpihak

having a set of opinions, principles, or standards of behavior that most people approve of

berpikiran benar, pemikir yang baik

having principles, standards, or opinions that other people approve of

berpikir benar, bijaksana

constantly switching between different paradoxical moods and opinions

skizofrenia, kontradiktif

being of an opinion that showcases high regards for oneself, especially in an arrogant manner

percaya diri, angkuh

being obsessed with oneself in a self-righteous manner

egois, mementingkan diri sendiri

being solely interested in unimportant things and not willing to change one’s perspective, or consider other’s opinions

picik, berpikiran sempit

the quality of being inflexible and solely interested in unimportant things and unwilling to consider other’s opinions

pikiran sempit, semangat kecil

having an independent mind with opinions and beliefs that are not easily influenced by others

berpikiran kuat, tegas

unwilling to change one's attitude or opinion despite good reasons to do so

kekeh, berpegang pada pendapat

the determination not to change one’s attitude or opinion on something

kepala batu, keras kepala