Sentimenti - Eccitazione o Noia
Esplora gli idiomi inglesi riguardanti l'eccitazione con esempi come "essere impaziente di partire" e "con le campane accese".
in a way that is very favorable or enthusiastic
in termini entusiastici
with a high level of energy or enthusiasm
con un alto livello di energia o entusiasmo
to make someone become really amazed
fare in modo che qualcuno diventi davvero stupito
used to describe to a person feels a sudden, strong emotional reaction or physical sensation, often due to excitement, surprise, fear, or attraction
improvvisamente diventare estremamente nervoso
to become extremely excited or enthusiastic about something
venire scimmia
very thrilled or excited about something new that one has got
come un bambino con un nuovo giocattolo
used to refer to someone who is having a really good time and cannot control their excitement
sentirsi come un bambino in un negozio di caramelle
used to refer to someone who is extremely pleased with their luck
ottenere fortunato
to hardly be able to wait for something due to intense excitement
sii irrequieto impaziente di iniziare a fare qualcosa
a state in which little bumps appear on the skin and bodily hair becomes upright because of excitement, cold, or fear
pelle d'oca
used when one is attentively watching or listening to someone or something with great interest or excitement
used to say that one can do whatever one desires
avere il mondo ai suoi piedi