احساسات - Excitement
اصطلاحات انگلیسی مربوط به هیجان را با مثالهایی مانند «بهندرت برای رفتن» و «با زنگهای روشن» کاوش کنید.
used to describe to a person feels a sudden, strong emotional reaction or physical sensation, often due to excitement, surprise, fear, or attraction

قلب به دهان آمدن
very thrilled or excited about something new that one has got

بسیار خوشحال و هیجانزده
used to refer to someone who is having a really good time and cannot control their excitement

مثل یک بچه هیجانزده
used to refer to someone who is extremely pleased with their luck

بخت و اقبال به کسی رو کردن, تمام دنیا را به کسی دادن
to hardly be able to wait for something due to intense excitement

(برای چیزی) بیتابی کردن, بیصبرانه منتظر بودن
a state in which little bumps appear on the skin and bodily hair becomes upright because of excitement, cold, or fear

مو به تن سیخ شدن
used when one is attentively watching or listening to someone or something with great interest or excitement

میخکوب چیزی یا کسی
to be really excited or eager to do or try something

بسیار هیجان داشتن (برای انجام کاری)
to be really excited for something that is about to happen

بسیار خوشحال و هیجانزده بودن (برای اتفاقی که قرار است بیفتد)