Verità, Segretezza e Inganno - Mantenere i segreti
Padroneggia modi di dire inglesi che riguardano il mantenimento dei segreti, come "tra me e te" e "tenere il coperchio".
to tell other people what is supposed to stay secret

used to refer to an agreement made in order to keep someone from sharing or revealing information that should be otherwise publically known
to refrain from revealing one's true intentions or plans
to avoid sharing a secret with others

non condividere un segreto con gli altri
to decide to remain silent about something, particularly out of fear of making a situation worse
used when one says that one will not reveal secret information

la sua bocca è stretta
something about a person's past that they do not want to reveal or mention because it is embarrassing or unpleasant
used to refer to a room, in which a group of people knows or witnesses something that others do not
to keep one's opinions, plans, or intentions secret

mantenere il segreto
to conceal or destroy evidence of one's activities or whereabouts to avoid detection or punishment
to try to conceal flaws or problems temporarily, without addressing or solving them properly
to keep something secret or confidential and not to reveal it to others