Elenco di Parole Livello C2 - Medicine
Qui imparerai tutte le parole essenziali per parlare di Medicina, raccolte appositamente per gli studenti di livello C2.
the process of removing and analyzing tissue from the body of a sick person to learn more about their condition

a stitch or series of stitches made to secure the edges of a wound or surgical opening

sutura, punto di sutura

a substance, usually smooth and oily, rubbed on the skin for medical purposes

a specific measure or quantity of liquid medication, typically prescribed for oral administration

una dose, uno sciroppo

a sweet-flavored small and often lozenge-shaped tablet that dissolves in one's mouth, usually taken for sore throat

a preventive measure or substance, such as a medication or treatment, taken to protect against the occurrence of a disease or other unwanted health condition

profilattico, misura profilattica

a type of medicine used when someone has a cold and a blocked nose to help them breathe more easily

a substance or medication that inhibits the clotting of blood

anticoagulante, farmaco anticoagulante

a system of noninvasive therapy that involves pressing and moving a person's joints or spine

a medical system that treats the disease by administering substances that mimic the symptoms of those diseases in healthy persons

a medical instrument used in auscultation for detecting sounds generated inside the body, such as heartbeat and breathing

the mechanism by which a disease develops and progresses within the body

patogenesi, meccanismo di sviluppo della malattia

the abnormal growth of cells, leading to the formation of a tumor or mass, often associated with cancer


a medical instrument used during the internal genitalia examination to dilate the opening of a body cavity

a medical laboratory test used to measure amylase enzyme levels in blood or urine for diagnosing pancreatic conditions

test dell'amilasi, esame dell'amilasi

a medicine that helps open up the airways in the lungs for easier breathing


a medical procedure that involves the administration of medication to dissolve blood clots


a minimally invasive surgical procedure that allows doctors to visualize, diagnose, and treat problems inside a joint using a small camera and specialized instruments
