本 Headway - 中上級 - ユニット11
ここでは、Headway 上級中級コースブックのユニット 11 の「グロッギー」、「矛盾」、「退屈」などの語彙を見つけることができます。
to be patient in order to find out about the outcome, answer, or future happenings
over a great distance or in many places, often used to describe the extent of someone's search, travels, or influence

広い範囲で, あらゆる場所で

(of two or more parties) to agree with each other's terms or opinions in order to reach an agreement
the various objections or reasons why something might not be possible, or the conditions that need to be met for something to happen
an inconsistent and unpredictable approach or method with no clear pattern of success or failure

ばらばらな, 不規則な

used to describe something that is brief and to the point, yet pleasant or enjoyable
a complete set of facts or details about how something is done or how it works
feeling unsteady or dazed, often due to lack of sleep or recovery from anesthesia

ぼんやりした, ふらふらした

to fasten, button, zip, or otherwise secure something, often related to clothing or accessories

留める, 締める

chosen, done, or happening by chance and without any particular plan, method, or purpose

ランダム, 不規則

the most severe or negative outcome that could happen in a given situation

最悪のシナリオ, 最悪の場合

with great care, attention, and thoroughness, often taking a long time to complete

丹念に, 入念に

boring and repetitive, often causing frustration or weariness due to a lack of variety or interest

退屈な, 面倒な

made in advance and available for immediate use or purchase, without the need for any additional preparation or assembly

既製の, 完成品の

a period of play in certain sports during which one team or competitor is on the offensive, attempting to score or defeat their opponent

ラウンド, 回

annoyed or disgusted by someone or something one has been dealing with for a long time
used to indicate a rough estimate or approximation without precise measurements or exact figures