本 Insight - 上級 - ユニット 4 - 4A
ここでは、Insight Advanced コースブックのユニット 4 ~ 4A にある「回想する」、「散乱する」、「放っておく」などの語彙を見つけることができます。
a sudden and clever idea or insight that comes to the mind, often leading to a solution
ひらめき, 閃き
a creative or innovative idea, project, or concept that is the result of one's own thinking or imagination
創造物, 独創的なアイデア
having one's thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes manipulated or controlled by external influences
洗脳された, 操られた
having a tendency to be forgetful, disorganized, or easily distracted
気の散った, 無頓着な
a puzzle or problem designed to test one's thinking or problem-solving skills
パズル, 頭の体操
to recover from an unpleasant or unhappy experience, particularly an illness
回復する, 乗り越える
to establish a fresh entity, such as a company, system, or organization
設立する, 始める
the process of changing a person's appearance or style in order to improve how they look
メイクオーバー, 容姿変更
to determine something with certainty by careful examination or investigation
確認する, 特定する
to direct or participate in the management, organization, or execution of something
実施する, 指導する
to convey or communicate something, such as information, ideas, or emotions, from one person to another
伝達する, 送信する
to transfer the possession or ownership of something to another person
譲渡する, 渡す
to begin to be in charge of something, often previously managed by someone else
引き継ぐ, 交代する
to work with someone else in order to create something or reach the same goal
協力する, コラボレーションする
to join or collaborate with others as a team to work towards a shared purpose
チームを組む, 協力する
to create difficulty or obstacles that make it hard for something to happen or progress
妨げる, 阻害する
to assign the cause or ownership of something to a specific person, thing, or factor
帰属させる, 与える
to make a person remember an obligation, task, etc. so that they do not forget to do it
思い出させる, 再確認させる
to remember past events, experiences, or memories with a sense of nostalgia
思い出す, 追想する
to recall and show respect for an important person, event, etc. from the past with an action or in a ceremony
追悼する, 記念する