
C2レベルの単語リスト - Finance

ここでは、特にレベル C2 学習者向けに集められた、財務について話すための重要な単語をすべて学びます。









CEFR C2 Vocabulary
price fixing

an agreement between business rivals to not sell products at a lower price

価格固定, 価格の取り決め

価格固定, 価格の取り決め

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the money that is demanded by the court to be paid to an ex-spouse or ex-partner

養育費, 慰謝料

養育費, 慰謝料

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an unpaid debt that is past due

未払い, 延滞

未払い, 延滞

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a loan guarantee that may be taken away if the loan is not repaid

担保, コラテラル

担保, コラテラル

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the funds that are set aside for unforeseen expenses that may arise in the future

不測の事態のための資金, 予備費

不測の事態のための資金, 予備費

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lump sum

a single, large payment made in full, instead of smaller payments made over time

一括払い, 一時金

一括払い, 一時金

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the regular costs required for maintaining a business or an organization

間接費, 固定費

間接費, 固定費

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an extra amount of money added to an existing sum so that it reaches the required total

追加, チャージ

追加, チャージ

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a rapid trend of increase in prices that eventually leads to a collapse

バブル, 投機バブル

バブル, 投機バブル

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face value

the price that is imprinted on a product

額面価値, フェイスバリュー

額面価値, フェイスバリュー

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an amount of budget dedicated to something

支出, 投資

支出, 投資

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the amount of unpaid debt that a company expects to receive from its customers or another company

債権, 売掛金

債権, 売掛金

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seed money

the initial amount of money needed to start a business or project

シードマネー, 初期資金

シードマネー, 初期資金

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an additional amount of money given to someone for their services

チップ, 報酬

チップ, 報酬

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savings and loan association

an organization that lends money to people for buying a house or pays interest on the money that they save there

clearing house

a financial institution that oversees exchanging cheques and other financial transactions

クリアリングハウス, 決済機関

クリアリングハウス, 決済機関

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line of credit

the maximum amount of loan that a customer is allowed to receive

クレジットライン, 信用枠

クレジットライン, 信用枠

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the technological innovation in financial services

フィンテック, 金融技術

フィンテック, 金融技術

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pension pot

the total accumulated savings set aside for retirement

年金資産, 退職金

年金資産, 退職金

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child support

a regular payment from one parent to financially support the child after a divorce

子供の養育費, 子供扶養

子供の養育費, 子供扶養

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corporate welfare

subsidies, incentives, or benefits given by the government to big or growing businesses and corporations

企業福祉, コーポレートウェルフェア

企業福祉, コーポレートウェルフェア

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a predominantly european system that allows different institutions within a country to electronically transfer money

ジロ, ジロシステム

ジロ, ジロシステム

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net asset value

the value of a company's assets minus its liabilities, divided by the number of outstanding shares

純資産価値, ネットアセットバリュー

純資産価値, ネットアセットバリュー

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