
사회, 법률 및 정치 - 정치적 이슈

"말의 전쟁", "바나나 공화국"과 같은 예를 통해 정치적 문제에 관한 영어 관용어를 살펴보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms related to Society, Law & Politics
olive branch

a thing that is offered in the hope of restoring peace or friendly relations

화목제의 희생

화목제의 희생

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to beat swords into plowshares

to begin to aim for peace instead of war

전쟁 대신 평화

전쟁 대신 평화

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war of words

a long argument between people

둘 이상의 사람 사이의 논쟁

둘 이상의 사람 사이의 논쟁

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battle line

the dividing line between opposing sides in a conflict or confrontation

두 세력 간의 갈등

두 세력 간의 갈등

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off the record

used of a statement, remark, or piece of information that is not intended for public knowledge, or not to be attributed to the person making it

공표를 목적으로하지 않는

공표를 목적으로하지 않는

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banana republic

a country with a weak economy that heavily relies on the export of a limited product, such as bananas, and may be influenced by foreign powers or investments

경제가 약한 나라

경제가 약한 나라

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lame duck

a politician or public office holder who is approaching the end of their term and will soon be replaced, usually due to failure to be re-elected or re-appointed

곧 교체될 선출직 공무원

곧 교체될 선출직 공무원

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young turk

a young member of a political party, organization, etc., who seeks to make changes in a previous establishment or system

정당의 일원

정당의 일원

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LanGeek 앱 다운로드