
Masyarakat, Hukum dan Politik - Isu-isu politik

Jelajahi idiom bahasa Inggris mengenai isu politik dengan contoh seperti "perang kata-kata" dan "republik pisang".




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English idioms related to Society, Law & Politics
olive branch

a thing that is offered in the hope of restoring peace or friendly relations

korban perdamaian

korban perdamaian

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[Kata benda]
to beat swords into plowshares

to begin to aim for peace instead of war

perdamaian, bukan perang

perdamaian, bukan perang

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war of words

a long argument between people

pertengkaran antara dua orang atau lebih

pertengkaran antara dua orang atau lebih

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battle line

the dividing line between opposing sides in a conflict or confrontation

konflik antara dua faksi

konflik antara dua faksi

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[Kata benda]
off the record

used of a statement, remark, or piece of information that is not intended for public knowledge, or not to be attributed to the person making it

Diluar rekaman

Diluar rekaman

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banana republic

a country with a weak economy that heavily relies on the export of a limited product, such as bananas, and may be influenced by foreign powers or investments

negara yang perekonomiannya lemah

negara yang perekonomiannya lemah

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[Kata benda]
lame duck

a politician or public office holder who is approaching the end of their term and will soon be replaced, usually due to failure to be re-elected or re-appointed

pejabat terpilih yang akan segera digantikan

pejabat terpilih yang akan segera digantikan

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[Kata benda]
young turk

a young member of a political party, organization, etc., who seeks to make changes in a previous establishment or system

anggota sebuah partai politik

anggota sebuah partai politik

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