Societate, Drept și Politică - Probleme politice
Explorați idiomuri englezești referitoare la probleme politice cu exemple precum „războiul cuvintelor” și „republica bananelor”.
Fișe de studiu
a thing that is offered in the hope of restoring peace or friendly relations
ramură de măslin
the dividing line between opposing sides in a conflict or confrontation
linie de luptă
used of a statement, remark, or piece of information that is not intended for public knowledge, or not to be attributed to the person making it
a country with a weak economy that heavily relies on the export of a limited product, such as bananas, and may be influenced by foreign powers or investments
republică bananieră
a politician or public office holder who is approaching the end of their term and will soon be replaced, usually due to failure to be re-elected or re-appointed
rață schioapă
a young member of a political party, organization, etc., who seeks to make changes in a previous establishment or system
tânăr turc