사회적 상호작용 - 사회적 참여
"더 적을수록 더 좋은 요금" 및 "친구의 눈은 좋은 거울이다"와 같은 영어 속담이 영어로 사회적 참여를 어떻게 묘사하는지 알아보세요.
used to suggest that defined boundaries and respect for each other's privacy and property can help maintain positive relationships between people
좋은 울타리가 좋은 이웃을 만든다
used to suggest that having fewer individuals to cater for or fewer options to choose from can result in a better outcome or quality
적을수록 요금이 더 좋아집니다
used to imply that if someone stays too long or visits too often, they may become a burden or annoyance to the host or the people around them
끊임없는 손님은 결코 환영받지 못한다
used to advise guests not to stay too long in someone's home or company, as even the most enjoyable visit can become burdensome if continued for too long
3일이 지나면 생선과 손님에게서 냄새가 난다
used to imply that adding a third person to a situation can make it uncomfortable or awkward, particularly when the two people are close friends or lovers
둘은 동료이고, 셋은 군중이다
used to suggest that it is difficult to truly understand someone's character through brief interactions, and that living or traveling with someone is necessary to truly understand them
used to imply that people with similar interests or characteristics tend to associate with each other
used to imply that personal connections and relationships can be more important than one's knowledge or expertise, highlighting the importance of networking
used to imply that a good friend can provide honest and constructive feedback, helping one to see oneself more clearly and grow as an individual
친구의 눈은 좋은 거울이다
used to advise maintaining personal relationships with family members and to conduct business with people who are not related to avoid any potential conflicts or complications
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