remaining unaffected or unaltered by external influences or factors
손길이 닿지 않은, 미개척의
having absorbed as much of a substance as possible at a given temperature, reaching its maximum concentration
포화된, 진정한
equipped with cables, particularly for electricity or communication purposes
유선의, 케이블 있는
having had the natural moisture removed for preservation or storage purposes
탈수된, 탈수한
(of a thing) physically divided into pieces, because of being damaged, dropped, etc.
깨진, 손상된
(of an animal) not having undergone training or taming for service or use
훈련받지 않은, 야생의
tightly pressed together, resulting in reduced size or increased density
압축된, 콤팩트한
divided in separate groups, often based on factors like race, ethnicity, or social class
분리된, 격리된
securely closed or fastened, typically to prevent access, leakage, or contamination
봉인된, 닫힌
not securely closed or fastened, typically allowing access, leakage, or contamination
밀봉되지 않은, 열린
partially or completely covered from direct sunlight, typically by shadows, objects, or structures
그늘이 드리운, 그늘의
(of someone) respected and well-known in their profession due to the experience and skills they have developed over the years
정립된, 유명한
fixed tightly in a particular position and incapable of moving or being moved
꼼짝 못하는, 찌그러진
(of a place or building) far away from any other place, building, or person
고립된, 떨어진
(of a place) filled with many people, vehicles, or objects, leading to difficulties in movement
혼잡한, 막힌
transformed by natural microorganisms, often resulting in the creation of acids, gases, or alcohol
발효된, 발효에 의해 변형된