Adjective de Cauză și Efect - Adjective de rezultat fizic
Aceste adjective descriu rezultatele unei acțiuni care afectează aspectele fizice ale unei entități.
Fișe de studiu
physically coming into contact with something or someone
atins, contactat
remaining unaffected or unaltered by external influences or factors
neatins, virgin
altered or transformed in nature or appearance
schimbat, transformata
subject to no change and staying in the same state
neschimbat, nealterat
having absorbed as much of a substance as possible at a given temperature, reaching its maximum concentration
saturat, saturație
not neatly arranged or secured in a close-fitting manner
neatras, liber
protected by strong, usually metal, coverings to defend against attack
blindat, întărit
equipped with cables, particularly for electricity or communication purposes
cu cablu, legat prin cablu
changed into a liquid state as a result of being heated
topit, liquid
having had the natural moisture removed for preservation or storage purposes
dehidratat, dehidratată
consisting of different types of people or things combined together
mistrat, divers
(of a place) empty or devoid of people, activity, or signs of life
îngrijit, părăsit
(of a thing) physically divided into pieces, because of being damaged, dropped, etc.
rupt, stricat
(of an animal) not having undergone training or taming for service or use
neîmblânzit, sălbatic
broken into small, disconnected parts or pieces
fragmentat, discontinu
tightly pressed together, resulting in reduced size or increased density
compresat, compactat
divided in separate groups, often based on factors like race, ethnicity, or social class
segregat, izolat
not secured or fastened with a lock and capable of being opened freely
deblocată, neîncuiată
securely closed or fastened, typically to prevent access, leakage, or contamination
sigilat, închis
not securely closed or fastened, typically allowing access, leakage, or contamination
neatins, deschis
partially or completely covered from direct sunlight, typically by shadows, objects, or structures
umbră, întunecat
(of someone) respected and well-known in their profession due to the experience and skills they have developed over the years
stabilit, recunoscut
created, built, or improved to a more advanced state
dezvoltat, îmbunătățit
having a clear and highly organized arrangement or system
structurat, organizat
made or produced in a factory rather than being natural or handmade
fabricat, produs
fixed tightly in a particular position and incapable of moving or being moved
blocat, împotmolit
(of a place or building) far away from any other place, building, or person
izolat, îndepărtat
(of a place) filled with many people, vehicles, or objects, leading to difficulties in movement
aglomerat, aflat în dificultate
transformed by natural microorganisms, often resulting in the creation of acids, gases, or alcohol
fermentat, transformându-se prin fermentație
(typically of bones or solid objects) broken or cracked
fracturat, sfărâmat
used again or transformed into a new product after being processed
reciclat, reprocesat