Adjektiv för Orsak och Verkan - Adjektiv för fysiskt resultat
Dessa adjektiv beskriver resultatet av en handling som påverkar de fysiska aspekterna av en entitet.
remaining unaffected or unaltered by external influences or factors

orörd, osynlig

having absorbed as much of a substance as possible at a given temperature, reaching its maximum concentration

mättad, mättning

protected by strong, usually metal, coverings to defend against attack

beväpnad, pansar

equipped with cables, particularly for electricity or communication purposes

trådbunden, med kabel

having had the natural moisture removed for preservation or storage purposes

dehydrerad, dehydratiserad

consisting of different types of people or things combined together

blandad, mångsidig

(of a thing) physically divided into pieces, because of being damaged, dropped, etc.

trasig, skadad

(of an animal) not having undergone training or taming for service or use

okunnig, vild

tightly pressed together, resulting in reduced size or increased density

komprimerad, kompakt

divided in separate groups, often based on factors like race, ethnicity, or social class

segregated, segregerad

securely closed or fastened, typically to prevent access, leakage, or contamination

förseglad, stängd

not securely closed or fastened, typically allowing access, leakage, or contamination

öppen, oseglad

partially or completely covered from direct sunlight, typically by shadows, objects, or structures

skuggig, i skuggan

(of someone) respected and well-known in their profession due to the experience and skills they have developed over the years

etablerad, erkänd

having a clear and highly organized arrangement or system

strukturerad, organiserad

made or produced in a factory rather than being natural or handmade

tillverkad, producerad

fixed tightly in a particular position and incapable of moving or being moved

fastkörd, fastlåst

(of a place or building) far away from any other place, building, or person

isolerad, avlägsen

(of a place) filled with many people, vehicles, or objects, leading to difficulties in movement

konstig, trängsel

transformed by natural microorganisms, often resulting in the creation of acids, gases, or alcohol

fermenterad, transformerad genom fermentation