
사건의 진행 동사 - 계획 및 일정 수립을 위한 동사

여기서는 "plot", "strategize" 및 "postpone"과 같은 계획 및 일정 관리를 나타내는 몇 가지 영어 동사를 배우게 됩니다.









학습 시작
Categorized English Verbs Denoting Course of Events
to plan

to decide on the details of a future activity or event

계획을 세우다

계획을 세우다

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to plot

to secretly make a plan to harm someone or do something illegal



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to scheme

to make secret or underhanded plans



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to work out

to plan something in detail

점점 나오다

점점 나오다

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to excogitate

to develop an idea, plan, theory, or principle through mental effort

생각해 내다

생각해 내다

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to mastermind

to plan or direct a complex or intricate scheme or project

교묘하게 입안 지도하다

교묘하게 입안 지도하다

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to prioritize

to give a higher level of importance or urgency to a particular task, goal, or objective compared to others

우선순위를 정하다

우선순위를 정하다

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to strategize

to plan a course of action for achieving a specific goal or desired outcome

전략을 세우다

전략을 세우다

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to time

to measure how long an event, action, or someone performing an action takes

to slate

to schedule something for a specific time or purpose

슬레이트로 이다

슬레이트로 이다

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to schedule

to set a specific time to do something or make an event happen

to reschedule

to arrange a new time or date for something that was previously set

일정을 변경하다

일정을 변경하다

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to timetable

to schedule or plan events for specific times

...의 시간표를 짜다

...의 시간표를 짜다

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to postpone

to arrange or put off an activity or an event for a later time than its original schedule

...을 연기하다

...을 연기하다

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to hold off

to refrain from taking immediate action

가까이 못오게 하다

가까이 못오게 하다

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to defer

to postpone to a later time



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to put off

to postpone an appointment or arrangement



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to put back

to reschedule an appointment or event for a later time or date

to carry over

to move something from one time to another

to procrastinate

to postpone something that needs to be done



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to delay

to slow down or postpone something

to intend

to have something in mind as a plan or purpose

뭔가를 하려고

뭔가를 하려고

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to mean

to be supposed or intended to do a certain thing

품고 있다

품고 있다

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to aim at

to work toward a specific goal

to design

to create a plan or layout for something



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to draw up

to create a plan, document, or written agreement, often in a formal or official context

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