Verbos del Curso de los Eventos - Verbos para planificar y programar
Aquí aprenderá algunos verbos en inglés que se refieren a la planificación y la programación, como "trazar", "estrategiar" y "posponer".
Tarjetas de memoria
to decide on and make arrangements or preparations for something ahead of time

hacer planes
to develop an idea, plan, theory, or principle through mental effort

excogitar, idear

to plan or direct a complex or intricate scheme or project

planificar astutamente, orquestar

to give a higher level of importance or urgency to a particular task, goal, or objective compared to others

priorizar, dar prioridad

to plan a course of action for achieving a specific goal or desired outcome

estrategizar, planificar una estrategia

to measure how long an event, action, or someone performing an action takes

cronometrar, medir el tiempo de

to arrange a new time or date for something that was previously set

reprogramar, cambiar

to arrange or put off an activity or an event for a later time than its original schedule

posponer, aplazar
to reschedule an appointment or event for a later time or date

reprogramar, posponer