C2 Woordenlijst - Business en management
Hier leert u alle essentiële woorden om over Business en Management te praten, speciaal verzameld voor leerlingen van niveau C2.
a contract that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price within a specified time frame

optie, optiecontract

the official record of financial transactions and accounts for a business, including ledgers, journals, and other accounting documents

boekhouding, financieel register

an act of spending less money during difficult financial times

gordel aantrekken, bezuinigingen

the rhythmic pattern of economic growth and decline, consisting of phases such as expansion, peak, contraction, and trough

econoomisch cyclus, bedrijfscyclus

a service or product that provides a business or company with a stable income


a financial officer responsible for managing and overseeing the financial accounts and budgets of an organization

controller, financieel directeur

the acquisition of a company or a controlling interest in a company's shares, often initiated by an outside entity or a group of investors, resulting in a change of ownership and control

overname, buy-out

the money one owns in a property after paying back any money one borrowed to buy it

eigen vermogen, kapitaal

a thing or method that protects one against potential problems, particularly financial ones

hedge, beschermingsmiddel

a company's gross sales or revenues, before any costs or expenses are deducted

omzet, bruto-inkomsten

the movement of money in and out of a business or financial system, indicating its liquidity and financial well-being

cashflow, geldstroom

a decline in something's price or value

afschrijving, waardevermindering

an agreement among independent entities, often businesses, to control prices, production, and distribution in a specific industry, reducing competition and increasing market power

kartel, overeenkomst

the acquisition of a company, leading to a change in ownership and often involving the purchase of a substantial portion of its shares

overname, acquisitie

a financial market where long-term debt or equity-backed securities are bought and sold

kapitaalmarkt, financiële markt

the act of buying a company and then selling its assets separately, often at a profit, without regard for the company's long-term viability

activa stripping, afzonderlijke activa verkoop

the act of reducing or limiting something in order to reach financial stability

beperking, vermindering

to slowly reduce the activity of a business or organization, leading to its eventual closure

de activiteiten geleidelijk verminderen, de operaties afbouwen

the amount that was profited or lost in an organization or company after everything was calculated

eindresultaat, netto-inkomen

the act or process of overseeing the activities of individuals or a group to ensure compliance with rules or objectives

toezicht, bewaking

a cooperative or united group of individuals, entities, or elements working together for a common purpose or interest

collectief, samenleving

a corporation formed by merging different firms or businesses

conglomeraat, bedrijfscombinatie

the inefficient or improper management, especially within a public institution or organization

wanbeheer, slordig bestuur

a clear instruction or order given to guide actions or decisions

richtlijn, instructie