a strong statement or a piece of writing that expresses certain feelings and opinions

deklamacja, wypowiedź

resembling or relating to an announcement or fact

deklatorywny, zapowiadający

(in the grammar of some languages) a group of nouns, pronouns, or adjectives changing in the same way to indicate case, number, and gender

deklinacja, gramatyczna deklinacja

impossible to be described or expressed in words

niewypowiedziany, niedefiniowalny

lacking practical knowledge and experience and tending to believe everything

naiwny, prostoduszny

to cause someone to feel worried or anxious, usually because of a change

zaniepokoić, zdezorientować

having no moral principles and willing to do anything to achieve one's goals

bez skrupułów, niemoralny

remained free from harm, injury, or damage despite challenging or dangerous circumstances

nienaruszony, bez uszkodzeń

to deliberately provoke, encourage, or initiate actions that lead to conflict, hostility, or harmful consequences

podżegać, prowokować

to think or say that something is caused by a certain thing

przypisywać, przywiązywać

the gradual reduction or decrease in size, quantity, strength, or effectiveness of something over time

atrycje, zużycie

showing lack of respect for holy things or God, especially by using offensive or obscene language

profanacyjny, niezbożny

socially unacceptable language or behavior, typically involving the use of insulting or offensive terms

profanacja, przekleństwo

to observe an activity in order to ensure that everything is done properly

nadzorować, obserwować

a person who is in charge of a group of employees to make sure they work properly

nadzorca, kierownik