Lista de Palavras Nível B1 - Religião e Festivais
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre religião e festivais, como "oração", "gemada", "abençoar", etc. preparadas para alunos B1.
the 25th of December on which Christians celebrate Jesus Christ's birth

Natal, Natal (festa)

an imaginary man with gray long beard wearing red clothes, which children believe brings presents for them at Christmas

Papai Noel, São Nicolau

a religious song that is sung at Christmas or during Christmas holiday season

cântico de Natal, canção natalina

a drink made with milk, sugar, eggs, and alcoholic beverages such as brandy or rum

egg nog, bebida de ovo

a long and large sock that children leave somewhere in their house before they go to bed on Christmas Eve so that later they can find it filled with presents

meia de Natal, sock de Natal

a specific tree that is covered with lights and decorations and put in or outside houses at Christmas

árvore de Natal, pinheiro de Natal

a plant with white berries that grows on other trees such as apple or oak, often used as Christmas decoration


the supernatural being that Muslims, Jews, and Christians worship and believe to be the creator of the universe

Deus, ser sobrenatural

a spiritual and holy being with two white wings, believed to be a servant or agent of God


a small human-like creature from fairy stories that has pointed ears and magical powers

elfo, duende

an eight-day holiday when Jewish people celebrate the time that an important temple was given back to them

Hanucá, Festa das Luzes

an occurrence or event that is impossible to be the work of a human being rather a supernatural power


a holiday when Christians celebrate Jesus Christ's return to life after he died according to the Bible

Páscoa, A Páscoa

a national holiday in the US and Canada when families gather and have a special meal to give thanks to God

Dia de Ação de Graças, Ação de Graças

to lead religious ceremonies, especially those within the Christian faith

celebrar, oficiar

the action of honoring something, such as an important event, day, etc.

celebração, comemoração

an organization that helps those in need by giving them money, food, etc.

caridade, organização beneficente

the belief in a higher power such as a god and the activities it involves or requires

religião, crença

to speak to God or a deity, often to ask for help, express gratitude, or show devotion

rezar, orar

a church with buildings connected to it in which a group of monks or nuns live or used to live


the largest and most important church of a specific area, which is controlled by a bishop


a formal public or religious occasion where a set of traditional actions are performed


a way of behaving or of doing something that is widely accepted in a society or among a specific group of people

costume, tradicional

an established way of thinking or doing something among a specific group of people

tradição, costume

related to or associated with religion, faith, or spirituality

religioso, religiosa

a man who is trained to perform religious ceremonies in the Christian Church

sacerdote, padre