Lista de Palavras Nível B2 - Outer Space
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre o espaço sideral, como "alien", "universo", "asteróide", etc. preparadas para alunos B2.
a creature that is believed to exist in other worlds or planets
extraterrestre, alienígena
the space outside the earth's atmosphere
espaço exterior, espaço cósmico
all that exists in the physical world, such as space, planets, galaxies, etc.
any of the rocky bodies orbiting the sun, ranging greatly in diameter, also found in large numbers between Jupiter and Mars
a place in the space with such high gravity that pulls in everything, even light
buraco negro
a large number of star systems bound together by gravitational force
the sun and the group of planets orbiting around it, including the earth
sistema solar, sistema planetário
the 1st and smallest planet in the solar system which is the closest to the sun
the 2nd planet of the solar system located between Mercury and earth
the 4th planet of the solar system located between earth and Jupiter
the 5th and the largest planet of the solar system located between Mars and Saturn
the 6th planet of the solar system located between Jupiter and Uranus, which has rings around it
the 7th planet of the solar system with a blue-green color located between Saturn and Neptune
the 8th planet of the solar system with a ring of icy particles around it
a scientist who studies or observes planets, stars, and other happenings in the universe
the act of an aircraft or spacecraft arriving on the ground or a solid surface
aterragem, descida
the path an object in the space follows to move around a planet, star, etc.
órbita, trajetória
to move around a star, planet, or a large object in space
orbitar, girar em torno de
a spacecraft that moves up by the force of the gases produced when the fuel burns
an object sent into space to travel around the earth and send or receive information
satélite, satélite meteorológico
to send an object, such as a satellite, missile, etc., into space
lançar, colocar em órbita
the process by which an aircraft leaves the ground and starts to fly
a vehicle designed to travel in space
nave espacial, veículo espacial
someone who travels into space, such as an astronaut
astronauta, viajante espacial
a kind of spacecraft used by astronauts to explore in space
nave espacial, veículo espacial
a large structure used as a long-term base for people to stay in space and conduct research
estação espacial, base espacial
clothing used by astronauts while traveling in space
traje espacial, escafandro
a period during which an astronaut moves outside an spacecraft in space, typically to perform repairs or experiments
caminhada espacial, atividade extraveicular
a piece of equipment by which the far objects, particularly those in space, are made clearly visible