Literatura - Produção de livros
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas à produção de livros, como "novelist", "copy editor" e "publicist".
a writer who explores characters, events, and themes in depth through long narrative stories, particularly novels
![romancista, escritor de romances](
romancista, escritor de romances
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a professional who ensures that written material is clear, concise, and free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation
![editor de cópia, revisor de texto](
editor de cópia, revisor de texto
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a professional who works with an author to improve the overall structure, content, and organization of a manuscript
![editor estrutural, editor de estrutura](
editor estrutural, editor de estrutura
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an editor responsible for acquiring and developing content, including books, articles, and other media, for a publishing company or other organization
![editor de comissionamento, editor responsável pela aquisição](
editor de comissionamento, editor responsável pela aquisição
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a person responsible for obtaining permission to use copyrighted material in a book, such as images or excerpts from other publications
![editor de permissões, responsável por permissões](
editor de permissões, responsável por permissões
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a professional who reviews and edits the content of a manuscript or document for style, tone, consistency, accuracy, and overall effectiveness
![editor de conteúdo, redator de conteúdo](
editor de conteúdo, redator de conteúdo
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a person who reads through a written work to identify and eliminate any potential biases, stereotypes, or insensitive language
![editor de sensibilidade, editor sensível](
editor de sensibilidade, editor sensível
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a type of editor who focuses on improving the writing style and clarity of individual sentences and paragraphs in a manuscript
![editor de linha, revisor de texto](
editor de linha, revisor de texto
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a person or business that sells books to customers
![livreiros, vendedor de livros](
livreiros, vendedor de livros
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a professional writer who creates advertising and promotional materials, typically for businesses and organizations
![copywriter, redator publicitário](
copywriter, redator publicitário
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the person responsible for creating the visual design and artwork for the front cover of a book
![artista de capa, designer de capa](
artista de capa, designer de capa
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someone who writes a brief endorsement or review of a book that appears on the book's cover or promotional materials
![recomendador de capa, apresentador de capa](
recomendador de capa, apresentador de capa
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a person who verifies the factual accuracy of information presented in a publication or other form of media
![verificador de fatos, fact-checker](
verificador de fatos, fact-checker
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an author whose work is published under someone else's name
![ghostwriter, autor fantasma](
ghostwriter, autor fantasma
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a professional who creates an index for a book or other document, organizing its contents alphabetically or thematically for easy reference
![indexador, indexadora](
indexador, indexadora
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a professional who represents writers and their written works to publishers, film producers, and other potential buyers
![agente literário, representante literário](
agente literário, representante literário
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sound professional responsible for recording, mixing, and editing audio to achieve desired results
![engenheiro de áudio, técnico de som](
engenheiro de áudio, técnico de som
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a company or individual that produces books, magazines, newspapers, or other printed materials by applying ink to paper or other materials
![imprensa, editor](
imprensa, editor
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a person responsible for overseeing the production process of a book, including printing, binding, and distribution
![gerente de produção, diretor de produção](
gerente de produção, diretor de produção
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someone whose job involves reading and marking the errors of a written or printed piece
![revisor, editor](
revisor, editor
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a person whose job is to make a new actor, product, etc. known to the public
![publicista, relacionista público](
publicista, relacionista público
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a person or firm that manages the preparation and public distribution of printed material such as books, newspapers, etc.
![editor, editora](
editor, editora
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a professional responsible for managing the intellectual property rights of an organization or individual
![gerente de direitos, administrador de direitos](
gerente de direitos, administrador de direitos
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a person who converts audio or video recordings into written or electronic text documents
![transcritor, transcritor(a)](
transcritor, transcritor(a)
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someone whose job is to change written or spoken words from one language to another
![tradutor, tradutora](
tradutor, tradutora
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a person or software program that arranges and sets the text, images, and other elements of a book or other printed material into a format ready for printing
![tipógrafo, compositor](
tipógrafo, compositor
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a person who types written or dictated material, often using a typewriter or computer keyboard
![datilógrafo, tipógrafo](
datilógrafo, tipógrafo
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someone whose job involves writing articles, books, stories, etc.
![escritor, redator](
escritor, redator
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a company or organization that supplies and delivers products or materials from a manufacturer, supplier, or publisher to businesses, retailers, or end-users
![distribuidor, fornecedor](
distribuidor, fornecedor
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someone who works with another person in order to create or produce something such as a book
![colaborador, colaboradora](
colaborador, colaboradora
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someone who keeps a diary, especially for the purpose of publication
![diarista, escritor de diário](
diarista, escritor de diário
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an author or journalist who produces low-quality and dull work, aiming solely for commercial success
![escritor de má qualidade, jornalista vagabundo](
escritor de má qualidade, jornalista vagabundo
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a biographer who gives an idealized account of someone's life
![hagiógrafo, biógrafo idealizado](
hagiógrafo, biógrafo idealizado
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well-educated and intelligent people who deal with literature or publishing
![literatos, intelectuais](
literatos, intelectuais
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someone who writes pamphlets, especially one who promotes partisan views on political issues
![panfletário, escritor de panfletos](
panfletário, escritor de panfletos
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a name used by an author instead of their real name when writing or publishing their works
![pseudônimo, nome literário](
pseudônimo, nome literário
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a person who writes or uses satires in order to criticize or humor someone or something
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someone who uses words skillfully, especially a gifted author
![artesão das palavras, escritor talentoso](
artesão das palavras, escritor talentoso
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