
Trăsături și Calități Umane - Interes și preferință

Scufundați-vă în proverbe englezești referitoare la interese și preferințe, cum ar fi „carnea unui om este otrava altuia” și „gusturile diferă”.




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Human Traits & Qualities
every man has his hobby-horse

used to imply that a person has a particular interest or hobby that they enjoy discussing or pursuing whenever they have the opportunity

fiecare om are calul lui hobby

fiecare om are calul lui hobby

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every man to his taste

used to imply that people have different tastes and preferences, and that these differences should be respected, as what one person likes may not necessarily be liked by another

fiecare om după gustul lui

fiecare om după gustul lui

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one man's meat is another man's poison

used for saying that what is enjoyable or beneficial for one person may be unappealing or harmful to another person due to individual differences, tastes, or preferences

carnea unuia este otrava altuia

carnea unuia este otrava altuia

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tastes differ

used to imply that people have different preferences and opinions, and what one person likes may not be liked by another

the heart wants what it wants

used to suggest that the heart, or one's emotions and desires, can sometimes overpower reason and practicality

inima vrea ce vrea ea

inima vrea ce vrea ea

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there is no accounting for taste

used to imply that one can never understand why people's personal preferences drastically differ from one another, especially when compared to that of one's own

nu se ține seama de gust

nu se ține seama de gust

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