
Trăsături și Calități Umane - Lenea și lenevia

Descoperiți cum proverbe englezești precum „o oaie leneșă își crede lâna grea” și „diavolul găsește de lucru pentru mâinile leneșe” descriu lenea și lenea în engleză.




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Human Traits & Qualities
idle folk have the least leisure

used to imply that people who waste their time and are not productive tend to have less free time to pursue their interests and enjoy leisure activities

there will be sleeping enough in the grave

used to emphasize that one should not waste their life by sleeping too much or being idle, but instead make the most of their time on earth

se va dormi destul în mormânt

se va dormi destul în mormânt

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a lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy

used to suggest that lazy or unmotivated individuals tend to perceive tasks as more difficult than they actually are, making even small responsibilities seem burdensome

o oaie leneșă își crede lâna grea

o oaie leneșă își crede lâna grea

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an idle brain is the devil's workshop

used to imply that when a person has nothing to do or is not engaged in productive activity, they are more likely to engage in mischief, immoral behavior, or harmful actions

un creier inactiv este atelierul diavolului

un creier inactiv este atelierul diavolului

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as good be an addled egg as an idle bird

used to suggest that idleness and lack of effort are to be avoided, as they lead to wastefulness and unfulfillment

la fel de bun să fie un ou plin ca o pasăre inactivă

la fel de bun să fie un ou plin ca o pasăre inactivă

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by doing nothing we learn to do ill

used to suggest that idleness and lack of effort can lead to developing bad habits or skills

nefăcând nimic învățăm să facem rău

nefăcând nimic învățăm să facem rău

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the devil finds work for idle hands (to do)

used to imply that when people are not engaged in useful work, they are more likely to get into trouble or engage in harmful activities

idle hands are the devil's playthings

used to suggest that when people are not busy or occupied with useful work, they are more likely to engage in mischief or harmful activities

the worst wheel of the cart creaks most

used to imply that the weakest or least capable member of a group often complains the most or causes the most problems

cea mai proasta roata a carului scartaie cel mai mult

cea mai proasta roata a carului scartaie cel mai mult

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the tongue of the idle person is never idle

used to suggest that idle people tend to talk a lot and engage in idle chatter, often without thinking about the consequences of their words or the impact that they might have on others

limba celui inactiv nu este niciodata inactiv

limba celui inactiv nu este niciodata inactiv

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idleness is the root of (all) evil

used to imply that when people have nothing to do and no purpose, they are more likely to engage in negative or harmful activities

of idleness comes no goodness

used to suggest that when people are idle or inactive, they are unlikely to achieve anything positive or worthwhile

de lenevie nu vine nicio bunătate

de lenevie nu vine nicio bunătate

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