Adverbe de Mod Referitoare la Oameni - Adverbe ale modului de cheltuieli
Aceste adverbe descriu comportamentele financiare ale oamenilor sau costul articolelor, cum ar fi „scump”, „extravagant”, „economisit” etc.
Fișe de studiu
in a way that requires a lot of money to obtain or purchase
scump, în mod costisitor
in a very nice, fancy, high-quality, and often expensive manner
bogat, somptuos
in a way that is comfortable, elegant, and involves the enjoyment of wealth
luxos, în mod luxos
in a manner characterized by great wealth and abundance
opulent, în mod opulent
in a very fancy and excessive manner
prădăciunește, într-un mod ostentativ
in an extremely fancy way, often involving spending a lot of money or resources
în mod extravagant, într-o manieră extravagantă
in a way that shows a willingness to give or share without expecting anything in return
generos, în mod generos
in a manner that shows an intense and excessive desire for more
lacomi, avizi
in a manner that involves low cost or affordable pricing
ieftin, la un preț mic
in a manner characterized by minimal expense
ieftin, într-un mod economic
without requiring any form of compensation or exchange
gratuite, fără plată
in an economical manner, emphasizing the wise and efficient use of resources, especially money
economicos, frugal
in a manner that manages and uses resources carefully
economic, din punct de vedere economic
in a manner characterized by careful spending, emphasizing economical use of resources
economicos, cu zâmbete
in a manner that is within one's financial means
în mod accesibil, într-un mod accesibil