Adverbe de Mod Referitoare la Oameni - Adverbe de vigilență și laxitate
Aceste adverbe indică nivelul de grijă și atenție folosit atunci când faceți ceva, cum ar fi „minuțios”, „vigilent”, „ocazional”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
in a manner that is marked by careful attention to details
with great care, attention, and thoroughness, often taking a long time to complete
in a way that consumes one's thoughts and attention completely
with great care and delicacy, often to avoid causing harm
cu prudenţă
in a manner that demonstrates acting ahead of future events, often to prevent problems
în mod proactiv
in a way that causes physical or emotional discomfort or suffering
dureros de
without careful consideration, often driven by sudden emotions or desires
in a manner that lacks enough care or attention
într-o manieră nepăsătoare
in a relaxed and unhurried way, often without much energy or enthusiasm
in a manner that involves little effort, difficulty, or discomfort
fără dureri