Științe Umaniste SAT - Emoții pozitive
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză legate de emoțiile pozitive, cum ar fi „jubilation”, „relish”, „pasionat”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
great happiness or joy, often accompanied by laughter or a sense of amusement

bucurie, voioșie

a feeling of reverence, respect, and wonder inspired by something grand, powerful, or extraordinary

admirație, uimire

a feeling of admiration or surprise caused by something that is very unusual and exciting

minune, uimire

a feeling we get when somebody or something is funny and exciting

distracție, amuzament

a sudden and intense excitement, enthusiasm, or interest about something

furie, entuziasm

persuasive in a way that captures attention or convinces effectively

convingător, atractiv

causing feelings of excitement, elation, or intense enthusiasm

exhilarant, entuziasmant

referring to qualities or behaviors that make a person likable or charming to others

înduioșător, drag

providing a calming or comforting sensation that helps to relieve or lessen pain or discomfort

linistitor, consolator

(of something) bringing back fond memories of the past, often with a sense of longing or affection


demonstrating an excessive and unconditional love or affection for someone, often to the point of being overly attentive

excesiv afectuos, tandru

filled with joy, often as a result of experiencing something magical or captivating

fermecat, captivat

to give someone courage or confidence, inspiring them to take bold actions or face challenges with determination

încuraja, întări

to deeply understand and share the feelings or experiences of someone else

a empatiza, a compătimi

to call forth or elicit emotions, feelings, or responses, often in a powerful or vivid manner

evoca, suscita