Глаголы Движения - Глаголы для повторяющихся и легких движений
Здесь вы выучите некоторые английские глаголы, обозначающие повторяющиеся и легкие движения, такие как «качаться», «дрожать» и «рывок».
to move with an unsteady, rocking, or swaying motion, often implying a lack of stability or balance

шататься, колебаться

to move with small, quick, and back-and-forth motions, often in a playful or fidgety manner

вилять, колебаться

to move in an uncomfortable or restless manner with twisting or contorted motions

виться, корчиться

to move repeatedly from side to side, often in a rhythmic or playful manner

вилять, покачивать

(of one's body) to involuntarily shake, as a response to fear or due to a particular condition

to move or jerk quickly and involuntarily, often due to fear, excitement, or physical weakness

дрожать, трепетать

to tremble or shake involuntarily, often as a result of fear, cold, or excitement

to shake or tremble with a slight, rapid, and often involuntary motion

дрожать, трепетать

to make a slight shaking movement, often as a result of external factors such as wind, movement, or vibrations
