Список Слов Уровня B1 - Романтика
Здесь вы выучите некоторые английские слова о романтике, такие как «любовник», «поцелуй», «желание» и т. д., подготовленные для учащихся уровня B1.
to express respect toward someone or something often due to qualities, achievements, etc.

to behave in a way that shows a person is only sexually drawn to someone, with no serious intention of starting a relationship

to touch someone else's lips or other body parts with one's lips to show love, sexual desire, respect, etc.

one of the partners in a romantic or sexual relationship, without being married to each other

любовник, любовница
a person who accompanies another individual in a romantic or social context

свидание, партнёр

a letter to show one's affections toward the person who receives it

любовное письмо
a part of one's life involving relationships or sexual activities

жизнь любви
the act of closely holding someone in one's arms, usually as a sign of affection

a strong, temporary feeling of love toward a person

влюбленность, сильное увлечение
used to address an individual one loves, particularly one's romantic partner, wife, husband, etc.

used to address a person that one loves, particularly one's child, husband, wife, etc.

the perfect romantic partner for a person

вторая половинка, родственная душа
a person that one loves or is attracted to and sends a love letter to, often without signing it, on Valentine's Day

голубчик, голубушка
to feel a romantic or sexual interest toward a person

быть увлеченным, привлеченный