Interaktioner - Beröm & bra bemötande
Behärska engelska idiom angående beröm och bra bemötande, som "gör bra av" och "en klapp på axeln".
a praise or encouragement given to someone because of what they have done or achieved
to praise or encourage someone to show one thinks they have done a great job at doing something
uppmuntra någon
approval of a person in authority that a person tries to gain by doing something that pleases or impresses them
positiv åsikt
used for saying that one should acknowledge and appreciate someone's achievements or efforts when they rightfully deserve recognition
berömma någon som förtjänar det
to treat someone with proper care and respect
respektfullt behandla någon
to praise or admire someone because of what they have done or achieved
berömma någon
to speak or write about someone or something in a very positive and enthusiastic way
uttrycka tacksamhet i form av att skriva eller tala
said as a way of showing praise or appreciation for someone or inviting other people to clap for them
låt oss applådera för någon