
Kunskap och Visdom - Dåraktighet

Upptäck hur engelska ordspråk som "a fool's bolt is soon shot" och "small things please little minds" skildrar dårskap på engelska.







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Knowledge & Wisdom
when the wine is in, (the) wit is out

used to warn that excessive drinking impairs a person's judgment and ability to think clearly

när vinet är inne är vettet ute

när vinet är inne är vettet ute

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a fool knows more in his own house than a wise man in another

used to imply that a foolish person can have more knowledge in their own area of expertise than a wise person who is unfamiliar with that area

en dåre vet mer i sitt eget hus än en vis man i ett annat

en dåre vet mer i sitt eget hus än en vis man i ett annat

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a fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years

used to imply that some people may ask questions without thinking deeply, while a wise person considers the subject matter before responding

en dåre kan ställa fler frågor på en timme än vad en vis man kan svara på på sju år

en dåre kan ställa fler frågor på en timme än vad en vis man kan svara på på sju år

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a fool's bolt is soon shot

used to imply that a foolish person acts quickly without much thought or consideration

en dårbult skjuts snart

en dårbult skjuts snart

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a lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client

used to imply that it is generally unwise for someone to act as their own advocate or counselor in matters that require objectivity and specialized knowledge

en advokat som företräder sig själv har en dåre för en klient

en advokat som företräder sig själv har en dåre för en klient

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fools build houses and wise men live in them

used to suggest that wise individuals make practical choices by considering various factors and avoiding unnecessary risks, while fools may make hasty or unwise decisions

dårar bygger hus och visa män bor i dem

dårar bygger hus och visa män bor i dem

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not know B from a battledore

used to imply that someone is completely ignorant or uneducated

känner inte B från en battledore

känner inte B från en battledore

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some are wise, (and) some are otherwise

used to emphasize that people have varying levels of intelligence, knowledge, or common sense

stupid is as stupid does

used to imply that a person's actions and behavior are a better indicator of their intelligence or lack thereof than their words or appearance

there is a sucker born every minute

used to imply that there are always gullible or naive people who can be easily deceived or taken advantage of by others

det föds en soss varje minut

det föds en soss varje minut

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there is no fool like an old fool

used to suggest that an older person who behaves foolishly is especially deserving of criticism for not having learned from their past experiences

det finns ingen dåre som en gammal dåre

det finns ingen dåre som en gammal dåre

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young folks think old folks to be fools, but old folks know young folks to be fools

used to imply that young people tend to underestimate the wisdom and experience of older people, while older people are aware of the shortcomings and lack of experience of younger people

Unga människor tror att gamla människor är idioter, men gamla människor vet att unga människor är idioter

Unga människor tror att gamla människor är idioter, men gamla människor vet att unga människor är idioter

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ask a silly question and get a silly answer

used to suggest that the quality of a question influences the quality of the answer, and that a poorly thought-out or irrelevant question is unlikely to result in a useful answer

ställ en dum fråga och få ett dumt svar

ställ en dum fråga och få ett dumt svar

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knaves and fools divide the world

used to imply that dishonest and foolish people often create conflict and division in society, as both intentionally or unintentionally are enemies of truth

little things please little minds

used to imply that people with limited intellect or imagination find satisfaction in small and trivial things, while those with greater intelligence seek more meaningful experiences

små saker snälla små sinnen

små saker snälla små sinnen

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monkey see, monkey do

used to imply that people tend to imitate the actions of others, especially those they admire or consider as role models, without necessarily understanding the reasons behind those actions

apa ser apa gör

apa ser apa gör

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a fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men can not pull out

used to imply that a single foolish action can have significant and sometimes irreversible consequences that may require much effort and wisdom to fix

en dåre kan kasta en sten i en brunn som hundra visa män inte kan dra ut

en dåre kan kasta en sten i en brunn som hundra visa män inte kan dra ut

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a fool at forty is a fool indeed

used to say that when a person remains foolish and lacks wisdom even after reaching the age of forty, it strongly signifies their inherent foolishness that is unlikely to be corrected

en dåre vid fyrtio är verkligen en dåre

en dåre vid fyrtio är verkligen en dåre

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