Sättsadverb Relaterade till Människor - Adverb av uttryckssätt
Dessa adverb indikerar sättet eller avsikten med vilket något uttalas eller uttrycks, såsom "sarkastiskt", "jakande", "bildligt" etc.
in an insincere or mocking manner, or with a tone that conveys the opposite of the literal meaning of the remark
exactly as spoken or written originally without any changes or additions
in a manner which something is expressed with clear and effortless speech or writing
in a way that utilizes language to send a strong and clear message, especially when one is speaking in public
in a way that shows agreement or approval
bekräftande,på bejakande sätt
in a manner which something is expressed or done in a style similar to informal and everyday conversation
konverserande,i konverserande stil
used when something is expressed using mild or indirect language to convey a message softer
eufemistiskt,i eufemistiska termer
in a manner that uses a word or phrase to convey a meaning beyond its literal interpretation
in a way that is more imaginative, symbolic and not its literal meaning
i överförd bemärkelse,figurativt
in a conversational or informal manner
kolloquially,på ett informellt sätt