
Varlık ve Eylem Fiilleri - İcra Edilecek Fiiller

Burada "geri al", "taahhüt" ve "pratik" gibi yürütmeye atıfta bulunan bazı İngilizce fiilleri öğreneceksiniz.


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Öğrenmeye başla
Categorized English Verbs of Existence and Action
to do

to perform an action that is not mentioned by name

yapmak, etmek

yapmak, etmek

to undo

to make null or cancel the effects of something

eski haline geri getirmek

eski haline geri getirmek

to overdo

to do something excessively, beyond what is appropriate or reasonable

abartmak, fazla yapmak

abartmak, fazla yapmak

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to act

to do something for a special reason

harekette bulunmak

harekette bulunmak

to act on

to take action to continue with a task or situation

harekete geçmek, uygulamak

harekete geçmek, uygulamak

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to commit

to do a particular thing that is unlawful or wrong

işlemek (yasa dışı iş,  suç)

işlemek (yasa dışı iş, suç)

to perform

to carry out or execute a task, duty, action, or ceremony, often in a formal or official capacity

yerine getirmek, yapmak

yerine getirmek, yapmak

to get on

to continue or begin a task, journey, or project

devam etmek, işe koyulmak

devam etmek, işe koyulmak

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to execute

to perform or carry out a skillful and well-coordinated action or maneuver

uygulamak, yerine getirmek

uygulamak, yerine getirmek

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to implement

to apply or utilize a device, tool, or method for a specific purpose



to practice

to actively engage in the duties, activities, or tasks associated with a specific job or profession



to effectuate

to cause something to happen

meydana getirmek

meydana getirmek

to perpetrate

to commit a harmful, illegal, or immoral act, such as a crime or an offense



to function

to perform the duties or tasks that are associated with a particular office, position, or place

işlev görmek, hareket etmek

işlev görmek, hareket etmek

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to multitask

to simultaneously do more than one thing

aynı anda birkaç görevi yerine getirmek

aynı anda birkaç görevi yerine getirmek

to react

to act or behave in a particular way in response to something

tepki göstermek

tepki göstermek

to overreact

to react more intensely or dramatically than is warranted by the situation

aşırı tepki vermek, abartmak

aşırı tepki vermek, abartmak

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to wage

to participate in and carry out a specific action, such as a war or campaign

başlatıp sürdürmek

başlatıp sürdürmek

to fare

to perform or manage oneself in a particular way, especially in response to a situation or condition

üstesinden gelmek, başarılı olmak

üstesinden gelmek, başarılı olmak

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to dare

to have the courage or audacity to try or do something challenging or risky

cüret etmek

cüret etmek

to step up

to make one's presence known in a situation or setting

öne çıkmak, söz almak

öne çıkmak, söz almak

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to play at

to do something in an unserious manner and without dedication

görünmek, oynamak

görünmek, oynamak

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to go through with

to complete a planned or promised action, even if it is difficult or undesirable



to carry out

to complete or conduct a task, job, etc.



to phase

to carry out in gradual stages

aşamalı olarak gerçekleştirmek, fazlara ayırmak

aşamalı olarak gerçekleştirmek, fazlara ayırmak

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