Sağlık ve Hastalık - Zihinsel Hastalıkları Tanımlama
Burada "demans", "manik" ve "nevrotik" gibi akıl hastalıklarının tanımıyla ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
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relating to or exhibiting extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviors that are perceived as signs of a personality disorder

(of a physical illness) caused or aggravated by mental factors, such as stress and anxiety

relating to or suffering from bipolar disorder

bipolar rahatsızlığı olan kimse
characterized by being emotionally unstable and incapable of coping with the demands of a normal social environment

emotional or psychological instability, including disruptions in mood, thought processes, or behavior

akli dengesi bozuk
a condition characterized by symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and distress, typically resulting from experiencing a traumatic event

travma sonrası stres rahatsızlığı çeken
(of a mental condition) affecting brain processes so severely that makes one unable to tell the difference between reality and fantasy

unreasonably scared of other people or thinking that they are trying to cause harm

relating to mental instability with excessive anxiety, irrational fears, and obsessive thoughts

sinir hastalığı ile ilgili
experiencing a state of extreme excitement, energy, or activity, often characterized by uncontrollable or frenzied behavior

suffering from a severe mental disorder that affects one's thoughts, behaviors, and emotions

marked by intense and irrational emotional reactions due to heightened emotional states

incapable of behaving normally or thinking clearly due to mental illness

akli dengesi yerinde olmayan
associated with severe cognitive decline, leading to memory loss, confusion, etc.

aklı başında olmayan
characterized by unclear thoughts, creating challenges in mentally processing information or making decisions

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