پیش قدمی - ترقی یافتہ - یونٹ 10
یہاں آپ کو Headway Advanced کورس بک میں یونٹ 10 سے الفاظ ملیں گے، جیسے کہ "sole", "frisk", "intrigued" وغیرہ۔
فلیش کارڈز
the part of the body between the ribs and hips, which is usually narrower than the parts mentioned

کمریں, کمری

the row of small bones that are joined together down the center of the back of the body

ریڑھ کی ہڈی, پیٹھ کی ہڈی

either of the two external openings of the nose that one breathes through

ناک کا سوراخ, نک سے باہر نکالا جانا

each of the parts above the legs and below the waist at either side of the body

پہلو, پہلو (انسانی ساخت)

(anatomy) the large round bone structure that the limbs and the spine are joined to, which also protects the abdominal organs

خز جوتنا, پیلوس

a long, continuous tube in the body through which the food coming from the stomach moves and is passed

آنت, آنتیں

each of the two bean-shaped organs in the lower back of the body that separate wastes from the blood and make urine


to lightly touch or stroke a sensitive part of the body, causing a tingling or laughing sensation

گدگدی کرنا, ہاتھ سے چھونا

to move one's head up and down as a sign of agreement, understanding, or greeting

سر ہلانا, تائید کرنا

to hit or strike heavily with the hand or a blunt object, producing a dull, muffled sound

مارنا, ڈنڈا مارنا

to inhale air audibly through the nose, often to detect or identify a scent or odor

سونگھنا, ناک سے گزرنا

to hit someone or something with an open hand, usually making a sharp sound

تھپڑ مارنا, اپنی ہتھیلی سے مارنا

to cause food, drink, or another substance to pass from the mouth down into the stomach, using the muscles of the throat

نگلنا, بلعنا

to hit someone or something hard with an open hand or a flat object

تھپڑ مارنا, ضرب لگانا

to tightly grip and squeeze something, particularly someone's flesh, between one's fingers

چوٹ دینا, سکیڑنا

to strike the palms of one's hands together forcefully, usually to show appreciation or to attract attention

تالی دینا, ہاتھ مارنا

to gently push or prod someone or something, often to get attention or suggest a course of action

ہلکا سا دھکا دینا, ہنسی میں دھکا دینا

to gently touch or stroke with the hand, usually as a gesture of affection or reassurance

پٹکنا, ہاتھ لگانا

to tightly and closely hold someone in one's arms, typically a person one loves

گلے لگانا, آلنگن کرنا

to apply pressure with a compressing or constricting motion, typically using the hands

کسنا, دبانا

to quickly open and close one eye as a sign of affection or to indicate something is a secret or a joke

اچھلنا, آنسو پھینکنا

a medicine without any physiological effect that is given to a control group in an experiment to measure the effectiveness of a new drug or to patients who think they need medicine when in reality they do not


the act of displaying or expressing something such as an emotion or opinion

د Demonstration, اظہار

to make use of or access a resource or source of information

فائدہ اٹھانا, رسائی حاصل کرنا

to humbly ask for something, especially when one needs or desires that thing a lot

بھیک مانگنا, عاجزی سے مانگنا

to use the power or potential of something effectively for a specific purpose

استعمال کرنا, استفادہ کرنا