
Danh sách từ cấp độ A1 - Động từ đơn giản

Tại đây bạn sẽ học một số động từ tiếng Anh đơn giản, chẳng hạn như "walk", "come" và "go", dành cho người học A1.


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CEFR A1 Vocabulary
to walk

to move forward at a regular speed by placing our feet in front of each other one by one

bắt người nào đi

bắt người nào đi

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to run

to move using our legs, faster than we usually walk, in a way that both feet are never on the ground at the same time

chạy nhanh

chạy nhanh

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to go

to travel or move from one location to another

đi từ nơi này đến nơi khác

đi từ nơi này đến nơi khác

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to come

to move toward a location that the speaker considers to be close or relevant to them

đến đâu đó

đến đâu đó

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to sit

to put our bottom on something like a chair or the ground while keeping our back straight

ngồi xuống

ngồi xuống

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to fall

to quickly move from a higher place toward the ground

rơi xuống

rơi xuống

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to jump

to push yourself off the ground or away from something and up into the air by using your legs and feet



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to bring

to come to a place with someone or something

dẩn dắt

dẩn dắt

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to give

to hand a thing to a person to look at, use, or keep



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to find

to discover something or someone that we had lost, after searching for it or them

khám phá

khám phá

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to open

to move something like a window or door into a position that people, things, etc. can pass through or use

mở cái gì đó

mở cái gì đó

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to close

to move something like a window or door into a position that people or things cannot pass through

chận đường

chận đường

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to start

to begin something new and continue doing it, feeling it, etc.

bắt đầu làm điều gì đó

bắt đầu làm điều gì đó

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to stop

to make something or someone not move anymore



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to finish

to make something end

hoàn thiện cái gì đó

hoàn thiện cái gì đó

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to build

to put together different materials such as brick to make a building, etc.



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to do

to perform an action that is not mentioned by name



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to get

to receive or come to have something

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to turn

to rotate or shift our body to face a different direction

quay đầu hoặc quay người

quay đầu hoặc quay người

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to introduce

to tell someone our name so they can know us, or to tell them someone else's name so they can know each other, normally happening in the first meeting

giới thiệu ai đó với người khác

giới thiệu ai đó với người khác

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[Động từ]
to travel

to go from one location to another, particularly to a far location

đi du hàng

đi du hàng

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to let

to allow something to happen or someone to do something

cho phép một cái gì đó

cho phép một cái gì đó

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to choose

to decide what we want to have or what is best for us from a group of options

chọn cái gì đó

chọn cái gì đó

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to help

to give someone what they need

giúp đỡ ai đó

giúp đỡ ai đó

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to swim

to move through water by moving parts of the body, typically arms and legs



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