
Luyện Thi IELTS Tổng Quát (Band 6-7) - Cuộc sống văn phòng

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Vocabulary for General Training IELTS (6-7)

someone or something's professional or social position relative to that of others

nhân quyền pháp

nhân quyền pháp

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business card

a small card that contains contact information for a person or company, used to share and promote professional connections

danh thiếp

danh thiếp

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a defined sequence of processes or tasks to complete a specific activity or goal

quy trình làm việc

quy trình làm việc

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the time until which a task is required to be completed

như chết

như chết

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a computer file, book, piece of paper etc. that is used as evidence or a source of information

văn thư

văn thư

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a sum of money given to someone for the goods they have sold, which increases based on the amount they sell

giấy ủy quyền

giấy ủy quyền

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the period during someone's life when they stop working often due to reaching a certain age

nơi hẻo lánh

nơi hẻo lánh

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the amount of work that a person or organization has to do

khối lượng công việc

khối lượng công việc

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living wage

the minimum income necessary for a worker to meet basic needs without relying on public assistance or private charities

mức lương đủ sống

mức lương đủ sống

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to exploit

to use someone or something in an unfair way, which is only advantageous to oneself

khai khẩn

khai khẩn

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a short written note of our education, skills, and job experiences that we send when trying to get a job

lý lịch công việc

lý lịch công việc

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the extra hours a person works at their job

giờ làm thêm

giờ làm thêm

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pay gap

the difference between the payment received by two different groups of people

chênh lệch lương

chênh lệch lương

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a state of being no longer needed or useful, often due to the existence of a duplicate or replacement


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a written document indicating an individual's intention to leave their job or position

sự ký tên lại

sự ký tên lại

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sick leave

a specific period of time granted to a person who is ill to temporary leave work

nghỉ việc vì đau

nghỉ việc vì đau

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to delegate

to give part of the power, authority, work, etc. to a representative

giao quyền

giao quyền

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to brainstorm

to generate many ideas quickly, often in a group setting

động não

động não

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to brief

to give someone essential information or instructions about a particular subject or task

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to supervise

to be in charge of someone or an activity and watch them to make sure everything is done properly

trông nom

trông nom

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to transfer

to make a person or thing move from a place, situation, or person to another

chuyển cái gì đó

chuyển cái gì đó

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to schedule

to set a specific time to do something or make an event happen

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to present

to deliver a speech or presentation that publicly expresses one's ideas, plans, etc.

bày tỏ

bày tỏ

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to train

to be taught the skills for a particular job or activity through instruction and practice over time

được đào tạo

được đào tạo

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to retire

to leave your job and stop working, usually on reaching a certain age

sắp nghỉ hưu

sắp nghỉ hưu

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to collaborate

to work with someone else in order to create something or reach the same goal

cộng tác

cộng tác

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to resign

to officially announce one's departure from a job, position, etc.

bỏ bổn phận

bỏ bổn phận

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to dismiss

to remove someone from their job or position, typically due to poor performance

sa thải ai đó

sa thải ai đó

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to terminate

to formally end an employee's employment or a contract

kết liểu

kết liểu

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to mentor

to guide, advise, or train someone, especially a less experienced or younger person

người hướng dẫn

người hướng dẫn

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to table

to formally bring up a proposal, discussion, etc. at a meeting for consideration

tuyên bố một cái gì đó một cách chính thức

tuyên bố một cái gì đó một cách chính thức

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a formal training where an apprentice learns a trade or craft through practical experience under the guidance of a skilled mentor

huấn nghệ

huấn nghệ

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video conference

a digital meeting where participants interact using video and audio communication tools

hội nghị truyền hình

hội nghị truyền hình

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curriculum vitae

a document that summarizes a person's academic and work history, often used in job applications or academic pursuits

sơ yếu lý lịch

sơ yếu lý lịch

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sick day

a day off work granted to an employee due to illness

ngày ốm

ngày ốm

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purchasing department

a section within a company that provides the required goods and resources

bộ phận mua hàng

bộ phận mua hàng

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