the raised surface in a station next to a railroad track where people can get on and off a train

月台, 平台

a fixed way between two places, along which a bus, plane, ship, etc. regularly travels

路线, 路

a vehicle that is powered by electricity and moves on rails in a street, used for transporting passengers

电车, 无轨电车

a boat or ship used to transport passengers and sometimes vehicles, usually across a body of water

渡轮, 轮渡

control tower
the tallest building at an airport from which aircraft's movements are controlled

控制塔, 指挥塔

rush hour
a time of day at which traffic is the heaviest because people are leaving for work or home

高峰时段, 繁忙时段

to test drive
to drive a vehicle temporarily, usually to assess its performance and suitability before purchasing

试驾, 测试驾驶

