"Moods" in the English Grammar

Grammatical mood is a special feature of the verbs that is used to indicate a modality. Modality represents the attitude of the speaker. Let's get to know them.

"Moods" in the English Grammar


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Moods and tenses are different concepts in English grammar that are widely confused. In this lesson, we will learn all about moods in English grammar.

Declarative Mood

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There are different types of moods in English. Each shows a special manner toward the subject. In this article, we will focus on the declarative mood.

Imperative Mood

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If you're wondering what the word 'imperative' means, in grammar, imperatives are verbs that are used to tell somebody what to do or not to do.

Subjunctive Mood

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Subjunctive is a form or mood of verbs that helps us talk about wishes, possibility or uncertainty. To learn about this mood, start reading this article.

Interrogative Mood

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Interrogative mood is a form of verb that is used to ask questions. Now if you want to learn how to make questions correctly, read this article.

Exclamatory Mood

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There are six moods in English grammar. In this article, we will focus on the exclamatory mood. Exclamatives are moods of feelings.

Conditional Mood

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Have you ever thought about something that might have happened if there was a different situation in the past? Conditionals help us talk about possibilities.

Zero Conditional

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'If you don't eat or drink, you die'. 'If you heat water, it boils'. Zero conditional is used to talk about facts or situations which are always true.

Conditional I

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We use the conditional Type 1 when we want to talk about situations we believe are real or possible in the future. 'If I study hard, I'll pass the exam.'

Conditional II

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Type 2 conditional sentences talk about situations that are hypothetical. There is a possibility that the condition will be fulfilled.

Conditional III

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Conditional III indicates an impossible, hypothetical and unreal condition in the past and its probable result in the past. To learn about them, start reading!

Mixed Conditional

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Sometimes the two parts of a conditional sentence refer to different times. This is called a mixed conditional. Ready to learn?

What Are Moods ?

Moods are formed by using special verbs that can imply different concepts. Basically, there are five moods in English. Imperative mood is used to give orders or to make requests. The interrogative mood is used to ask a question that you are not sure about its answer.

The indicative mood is used to express a fact. The conditional mood is used to express two events that will happen based on each other.
The subjunctive mood is used to express our desires, wishes, and regrets.

Every verb can be used to make different moods whether main verbs, modals, or auxiliary verbs.

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